Welcome to Southern California Brainspotting Institute!

Who We Are

Southern California Brainspotting Institute was established in late 2019 with the goal of promoting and advancing the practice, study, and research of Brainspotting, a therapeutic method developed by Dr. David Grand.

Our Mission

Here at Southern California Brainspotting Institute, our mission is to create a community of involved practitioners who are able to contribute to the mastery, study and advocacy of Brainspotting as an effective therapeutic modality. Our vision and goals are not limited to those in the Southern California, but open to all those in the Brainspotting community.
Our reach is Global even though we are based in the SoCal region. All benefits and opportunities are available to the global community and we encourage global engagement to further our mission.

What We Offer

Members of SoCal BSP have the opportunity to be listed on our online Directory that clients can use to locate a Brainspotting Therapist. Other opportunities to engage in professional development workshops, seminars, distance learning opportunities, and assisting in research and study design. Members further receive discounts at events, workshops, trainings and IRB approval and trainings.


Southern California Brainspotting Institute places a strong value on producing and engaging in evidence-based research and study into Brainspotting, with all research approved through our Institutional Review Board (IRB).  We encourage members of SoCal Brainspotting Institute as well as the Brainspotting community to engage in research to enhance further our understanding our this new modality. SoCal Brainspotting Institute provides the tools and support to help members with contributing to the community. 


SCBI is the home of the  “Journal of Brainspotting Practice & Research” an annual, peer-reviewed, academic Journal. We provide the opportunity for members to publish their academic- style papers in our academic journal “Journal of Brainspotting Research & Practice”. Members will also have the opportunity to engage in the community through participating as a Peer-Reader for articles, sit on committees, and assist the research process. 


As the Southern California Brainspotting Institute develops, many more benefits and opportunities are expected to arise (such as access to MIRAH as assessment based software) for our members to participate in.